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Friday, July 29, 2005

Tagsurf - Organized by tags instead of topics

What is Tagsurf?

Tagsurf is a new type of online message board which organized by tags instead of topics. Discussions are threaded like traditional message boards.

How do I get started?

You can begin by browsing through posts by clicking on a word from the list below. The words below are tags which have been used on posts. You can also see recent posts, view posts by particular users (for example: http://tagsurf.com/user/tagsurfer) or posts in a particular language (for example: http://tagsurf.com/language/en).

Most pages include an RSS feed so you can monitor posts in your RSS aggregator.

Once you are ready you can join for free and start posting tagged messages. Membership also lets you set up various alerts based on tags, so you can be notified of new messages instantly across a variety of mediums including IM, Chat and Email.

What about tools and APIs?

If you want to post about a particular web site then use the Post to Tagsurf bookmarklet. If you would like to see posts about a particular URL then use the Messages About This Site bookmarklet. To use a bookmarklet just drag it to your bookmarks and then click on it whenever you are viewing a web site.

Tagsurf also has a partial REST API implemented. Documentation is available. If you would like to use the API then contact me for a key.

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