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Monday, June 19, 2006

God shall remain barred from dungeon - Turkish Daily News Jun 14, 2006

" Culture and Tourism Minister Atilla Koç said on Tuesday that a sign to the entrance of Bodrum Castle's dungeon stating Where God Does Not Exist in Latin would remain in place.

Newspapers on Tuesday criticized a Culture and Tourism Ministry decision to order the removal of what was thought to be a 500-year-old sign.

While notices pointing to the dungeon have already been removed, officials were wondering how they can remove the Latin words Inde deus abest, which are carved in stone.

Koç, speaking at a press conference, said investigations had revealed the sign had no archeological value, adding that a new commission would be sent to the castle this week to confirm those findings.

He also said the translation of the Inde Deus Abest was not correct, either, claiming that it actually means God is far from here." (more) God shall remain barred from dungeon - Turkish Daily News Jun 14, 2006

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